
The Bridge: In Retrospect

The Bridge: In Retrospect is a compilation of four video works that “brackets” a precise period of ten years in my career, selected for The Bridge: Cultural Diversity in Question, the exhibition curated by Omar Donia for the National Representation of Grenada at the 57th Venice Biennale 2017.
The compilation starts with Idlers’ Logic, a 2003 production film that tackles what it is to be an Arab and / or have Middle East features in a post-September 11-world, and ends with On Noise, Sound & Silence, a 2013 film that explores the mourning of Beslan, a town exploring its painful memories after a terrorist act that has taken place exactly ten years earlier, in 2003. Two more films explore my own childhood and memories, all around a TV timeline and protagonists that shaped the perception of a growing child: Visions of a Contaminated Memory, and The Third Vision around 1:00 pm.